Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Addressing Misdirected Priorities: A CALL FOR JUSTICE and YOUTH EMPOWERMENT

Addressing Misdirected Priorities: A CALL FOR JUSTICE and YOUTH EMPOWERMENT

Of recent, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has been targeting students in Nigerian institutions, such as Kwara State University (KWASU) and Federal University of Agriculture, Abẹ́òkúta (FUNAAB), under the guise of combating fraud. This approach not only misses the mark but also perpetuates injustice by ignoring the real perpetrators of financial crimes – the affluent big men and politicians who have amassed wealth through corrupt means.

It is disheartening to witness young minds, the future of our nation, being harassed and stigmatized while the true architects of corruption roam free. Instead of targeting vulnerable students, the EFCC should redirect its focus towards holding accountable those individuals who have systematically pillaged our nation's resources for their own gain.

A society thrives when its leaders prioritize the well-being and empowerment of its youth. By creating opportunities and investing in education, skills training, and entrepreneurship, we can foster a generation of responsible and productive citizens. When the youth are neglected and marginalized, they are forced to resort to desperate measures to survive, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and crime.

It is imperative that the EFCC reassesses its strategies and ensures that justice is served impartially and equitably. Let us build a nation where every citizen, regardless of status or background, has the opportunity to thrive and contribute positively to society. This is not only a matter of fairness but also a fundamental principle of nation-building.

© Muh'Sabit Ayankola